Anaerobic Digestion

Collection & Recycling

We work closely with large processors of food waste across the country.

Our dedicated collection and recycling service will help you to reduce the amount of food waste being sent to landfill – helping you to reduce your carbon footprint and disposal costs. With anaerobic digestion (AD) plants nationwide we can handle all types of food waste. We convert all waste collections into renewable energy, diverting unnecessary waste from landfill.

We can receive and handle waste collection and recyclables for local authorities, food manufacturers and producers, waste management companies, waste brokers, commercial and household, local governments and distributors.

The process of anaerobic digestion is a sustainable process of recycling large amounts of food and animal waste, which is backed by local, national and government regulated bodies. It is recognised by organisations that we, as a regulated business are associated with, such as DEFRA.

To talk to us about this service

Call us today on 01430 861812 or click the the link below to be taken to our Contact page.